The 3 Keys to Healthy Aging

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Healthy aging is possible with the right approach.
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The 3 Keys to Healthy Aging 

Aging is one thing that we all have in common. We all get older. But there are two different types of aging: the unhealthy kind and the healthy kind. Have you noticed more health problems occurring as the years pass? Or do you feel younger than your chronological age? That’s the difference between unhealthy and healthy aging. The good news is that healthy aging — and warding off age-related health problems — isn’t so hard to do. 

In honor of National Healthy Aging month, we’re talking about what to do to maintain and improve your physical and mental health, independence, and quality of life throughout your life. Here are the three healthy aging “keys” you need to know.


Tai chi is a great activity to support healthy aging
Mind-body exercise is a great way to promote healthy aging.
  1. The Healthy Aging Basics: Lifestyle

You’ve probably heard most of these healthy lifestyle tips before: Eat a healthy diet, exercise, get enough sleep, avoid tobacco, manage stress, drink lots of water, stimulate your brain and be social. These “keys” aren’t new or revolutionary. But, together, they can have a profound effect on slowing the aging process.  

How important is a healthy lifestyle? According to the National Library of Medicine, among U.S. adults, more than 90 percent of type 2 diabetes, 80 percent of coronary artery disease, 70 percent of stroke and 70 percent of colon cancer are potentially preventable by avoiding smoking and obesity, engaging in moderate physical activity, adopting a healthy diet, and minimizing alcohol consumption.

Most doctors and dieticians recommend a diet that focuses on whole plant foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, beans and whole grains. As far as exercise goes, the Mayo Clinic recommends at least 150 minutes (about 2 and a half hours) of moderate aerobic activity a week or at least 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity spread out over a few days or more in a week. 

  1. Skin Care

For healthy skin, this tip is unanimous: apply sunscreen daily. Applying sunscreen every day is the most important thing you can do to delay the visible signs of aging on the skin and prevent skin cancer. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun can lead to hyperpigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, as well as basal and squamous cell skin cancer and melanoma. 

For healthy aging, sunscreen is a must.
For healthy aging, sunscreen is a must.

Sunscreen is a must if you like to walk outdoors, maintain a garden or live in a warm, sunny city. Even if you spend most of your time indoors or live somewhere that’s often cloudy, it’s still important to apply sunscreen to exposed skin. You also get sun exposure each day through windows, while running errands, walking the dog and playing sports outdoors. 

For proper protection, The American Academy of Dermatology recommends applying a sunscreen of at least 30 SPF to your face, neck and any area of your skin that’s exposed to the sun, including places you wouldn’t normally think about, like your ears and the backs of your hands.  

  1. Take a Proactive Approach to Your Health

Going to the doctor for regular check-ups is one essential step you can take to support healthy aging. Check-ups help you reduce your risk factors for disease, such as high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, while improving your feelings of wellness and peace of mind. 

Another proactive step you can take to promote healthy aging is to get a body scan. A CT scan can help uncover and monitor signs of age-related disease. Dangerous changes in your body may occur years before you start to experience any pain or symptoms. Tests like CT scans can detect these changes and can help medical professionals diagnose and treat disease early, which increases your likelihood of survival.  

A CT scan can uncover serious conditions you may not yet be aware of, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. If you only seek medical advice when you’re experiencing symptoms, it may be too late. When you catch a disease in its earliest stages, it is more treatable. That means, a CT scan supports a positive health outcome with minimal disruption to your quality of life. 

If there’s a message at Craft Body Scan, it’s that we have it within our power to make a very significant change in our life and prevent disease. We know early detection works. And by making the decision to be proactive about your health, you can make a huge impact.  

Conclusion: Healthy Aging Is Within Your Reach 


A healthy aging plan should include fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds and protein.
Healthy aging is within your control. Start with a healthy diet and exercise, but don’t forget preventive measures like annual medical check-ups, body scans and sun protection.

As more and more people live beyond 65 years of age, it’s good to know all the “tools“ you can use to ward off disease and promote longevity. Did you know that our bodies begin to decline as early as age 30? That makes the topic of healthy aging relevant to every adult — not just seniors. The three keys — adopt healthy lifestyle practices, protect your skin and be more proactive with your healthcare — are among the best ways to reverse the impact of aging and grow older in a very healthy, mindful way.  


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